Hey … Where did my little boy go?

Such is the Love that inspires us to love our Lord. Walking the walk leaves footprints that last beyond a lifetime. A legacy of peace, love and understanding.



In just 8 days I will have the honor and privilege of performing the wedding ceremony for my son, David, and his best friend, Megan.  My journey with David started  26 years ago when we found out that we were pregnant.  As I sit on the edge of having to finally release him I cannot help but reflect on that journey.  It has been fun and frustrating (for both of us), and sacred and sometimes scary. There has been rebellion and restoration, and just about as much love as one can contain!

This last year has been difficult due to our move to Kansas and leaving our kids in South Bend.  You can read about that part of the journey here,  http://timbest4him.com/2014/05/27/life-changes-never-easy-saying-goodbye/

A year of reflection has eased the loss somewhat but I still occasionally wonder … Where did my little boy go?  When I look at David now I see…

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Just Another Day?

Now I’m going through changes, feeling weak & weary walking through this world alone, not supposed to be scared of anything, the pain inside is making me numb.  Now I’m going through changes. I feel so frustrated lately & I get suffocated I hate this, but…I’m going through changes.

I love my baby. I’m such a screw up.

Rod’s Rod